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    If your hands are still full of yesterday's junk 
    you can't reach for anything new



    Are you living the life you want to live?
    Is something missing?
    What would you change?
    Are you ready to change it?

    The aim of individual counselling is to provide you with a non-judgemental, confidential opportunity to explore personal and relational issues in safety with a view to empowering you to obtain clarity and insight and to develop solutions that enable you to move forward.

    Couples counselling is about understanding the dynamics of your relationship and then both partners being willing to make changes without placing blame on the other so that past hurts and traumas can be repaired and healed, and so you can move forward in the relationship with better skills and more realistic expectations of each other.

    Indivdual Counsel


    Personality profiling

    This fun workshop helps people to recognise their own and others’ personality traits, bringing an understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses, and teaches which communication styles work best with each personality type.

    Building resilience

    Resilience is that special quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever.  It’s not so much about finding out what’s wrong and fixing it – it’s more about looking for strengths and building on them.

    Workshops are held at

    The Consulting Rooms

    348 Poole Road, Poole 


    Cost:  £30 per workshop

    Wise parenting

    The way we parent our children and the value we assign to them shapes the societies we create.  Yet this important job comes with no handbook, no special training, and no previous experience.  In this workshop we look at the things that influence the way we parent and explore different tools and techniques that can increase our knowledge, confidence and ability to parent in a conscious and wise way.  

    Create the life you want

    What dream or vision do you want to turn into a reality? In what way does your present behaviour serve you or sabotage you and what would it take for you to improve on or change that behaviour in order to create the life you want?



    Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

    Mindfulness is about paying attention to the internal and external experiences occurring in the present moment.  Mindfulness techniques are particularly helpful in alleviating depression and anxiety, and are strongly correlated with personal health and well-being.

    This is an 8 week course that consists of a one hour session each week.

    The cost of the course is £80.



    Individual counselling (60 minutes)

    -   15 minute assessement call                No charge                        
    -   Counselling sessions                           £50


    Couples Counselling (60 minutes)

    -   15 minute assessment call                  No charge

    -    Counselling sessions                          £60

    Corporate coaching and leadership sessions charged on an agreed negotiated rate


    Nancy Wilson

    Bachelor of Arts (Health & Social Services) Psychological Counselling

    Experience working with:   


    Depression & anxiety

    Neuro divergence (autism / ADHD)


    Personality disorders

    Sexual trauma

    Domestic abuse

    Bereavement counselling

    Support with life crises and transitions

    HIV counselling
    Couples counselling

    Corporate leadership and teambuilding

    Counselling techniques:

    PSYCH-K® Facilitator

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    Positive Psychology

    Systems Therapy


    Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)


    I believe that we all have the necessary resources within us to enable us to live our best lives.  But sometimes things happen that cause us to disconnect from our inner wisdom and that results in pain and a loss of control and order in our lives.

    I have many years of experience working with couples and individuals on a one-to-one basis.  I also work extensively with neuro divergent adults and use counselling techniques that are adapted specifically for people with autism and ADHD.  

    My counselling techniques are designed to empower people and to give them the tools that enable them to recognise their patterns of behaviour and understand the motivation and intentions behind them, allowing them to reconnect to their inner wisdom, to heal their pain and to live meaningful, fulfilled lives. 


    About Me

    Nancy Consults from

    rooms in Southbourne by arrangement

    Please complete the form below if you'd like to get more information on the counselling process, book your place on a workshop or to make an appointment for an assessment session.

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