Stay in your power!
I had a big wobble the other day. I got completely caught up in the fear energy around the choices we as a society are making around our...

Things I've learned along the way ....
Seeking validation is futile and painful, but evaluating feedback can lead to understanding, and growth Trying to fix people you have...

Thank you!
Isn’t it interesting to observe how it is generally the most undervalued sectors of society that are proving to be the ones that are most...

Facing Fear
Our brain is designed to ensure our survival and is constantly scanning our environment to find threats or possible danger and when it...

We all have defence mechanisms or strategies that we use to protect ourselves. Perfectionism is a common one that goes hand in hand with...

Self Worth
The dictionary defines self-worth as ‘the sense of one’s own value or worth as a person’. But how do we measure that? The truth is,...

Individuality in the collective
Human beings are, by nature, a tribal bunch. In order to survive in a hostile and predator rich environment, early human survival...

Acceptance can be a difficult concept because there's often a feeling of implied acquiescence or 'giving in' that just doesn't sit well. ...