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Thank you!

Isn’t it interesting to observe how it is generally the most undervalued sectors of society that are proving to be the ones that are most essential to the very survival of society as we know it right now. Refuse workers, shop assistants, shelf packers, delivery people, administrators, police officers, carers, nurses and doctors (to name but a few) – many of whom are poorly financial compensated for their contributions to society and who often feel invisible and undervalued in general, and yet they continue to step up and serve. I extend my sincere admiration and gratitude to all of these people.

At the same time, I believe that this as an opportunity we have all been given to appreciate the intrinsic value of every human being, no matter who they are or what they do. COVID-19 is the great equalizer – it doesn’t discriminate about who it affects. It also shows us how valuable we all are, that we’re all inter-connected and reliant upon each other, not only for our physical survival but also for the quality of the experience we have while we are alive in this world. That has always been the case – it’s just more visible at the moment.

Until next time, be safe, be kind, be gracious and be generous!

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