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Stay in your power!

I had a big wobble the other day. I got completely caught up in the fear energy around the choices we as a society are making around our current situation and I felt that I was being swept along, unwillingly, on a tide of fear and negativity which left me feeling completely powerless.

Fortunately, that feeling of powerlessness was the key to waking up again – yes…. yet again! I had briefly forgotten that every experience we have simply serves as an opportunity for us to heal, grow and connect with our inner power. And that I’m always in the driver’s seat of my reality.

This Covid-19 experience has been created by the collective consciousness, and so its effects are being felt on a different level of intensity and by an unprecedented number of individuals at the same time, which can make it feel overwhelming. But it’s also incredibly exciting, because it’s providing the opportunity for change and growth to so many people at the same time. Whatever is going on in our lives at this moment in time is being magnified and accelerated.

So it’s even more important that we don’t lose sight of the big picture. Even though the circumstances of this experience can feel overwhelming, the real purpose is for it to serve as a catalyst for our own personal healing, growth and connection to our highest self. Don’t get caught up and distracted by the details of the experience – focus instead on the opportunities it presents to you to do the work you need to do on yourself. Notice what feelings are being triggered in you and what beliefs you have that may no longer serve you and need to be upgraded. What do you need to think, say, do and practice to keep connected to your highest self and be in your power?

It’s not about changing others – it’s about changing ourselves. When we step into, and hold steady in our own power we raise not only our own vibration but that of the collective consciousness as well. That is how real change happens on a quantum level.

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